Category Archives: Diversity

Steve Sailer: Diversity and the Housing Bubble/Bust: Yet More Data

Report: Variations in Housing Foreclosures by Race and Place, 2005–2012 Matthew Hall Kyle Crowder Amy Spring Abstract This study describes the spatial and racial variations in housing foreclosure during the recent housing crisis. Using data on the 9.5 million visible … Continue reading

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Reality Vs Multi-Culturalism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The BBC are cheerleaders for the Multi-Culti ideology but are being undermined by reality. Scarcely a week goes by without a report of police arresting “men” from Bradford/Luton/East London or some other “vibrant” area. You … Continue reading

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Israel Puts Up A Wall In East Jerusalem To Protect Jews From Arabs

Chaim Amalek writes: “NO! This is not the way to go! And they are cheating their own people out of the diversity of experience that enriches us all. “This is terrible. How will I be able to show my face … Continue reading

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The Case For Homogeneity

Constantine VII, a 10th Century Byzantine Emperor wrote the following: For each nation has different customs and divergent laws and institutions, and should consolidate those things that are proper to it, and should form and develop out of the same … Continue reading

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Welfare: Who’s on It, Who’s Not?

F. Roger Devlin and Henry Wolff, American Renaissance, October 14, 2015: The numbers are even worse than we thought. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has published a new report called “Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households.” The report’s … Continue reading

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