Category Archives: Diversity


Ben Shapiro writes: While Americans fret over Donald Trump’s plans to ban Muslim immigration to the United States temporarily thanks to the government’s inability to keep us safe, the government continues to prove its inability to keep us safe. This … Continue reading

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The Rise Of The Alt-Right

Comments to Steve Sailer: * One of the relatively unheralded stories of 2015 is how the Alt-Right became an independent force with the ability to come up with great memes, like cuckservative and #NRORevolt, and push them into the mainstream. … Continue reading

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Staunch promoter of multiculturalism for Australia, says multiculturalism is bad for Israel

Blog: Isi Leibler loves multiculturalism. Except he also really hates it. Isi Leiber on Australia: “There is a need to sit together and establish a way in which Australians can recapture that spirit of multiculturalism which I think we are … Continue reading

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Does Diversity Make You Brighter?

From Steve Sailer: As you can see from this video, everyone’s education is enriched by Diversity. Intellectual discourse thrives when everybody is hyperaware of their racial grievances… Obama 2012 HQ And that explains why Obama was beaten so badly by … Continue reading

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Why “Mismatch” is Relevant in Fisher v. Texas

Richard Sander writes: Affirmative action is before the Supreme Court again this week, as it rehears arguments in Fisher v. University of Texas. (I’ve discussed the legal issues in Fisher here.) But perhaps the most important question about racial preferences … Continue reading

Posted in Affirmative Action, Blacks, College, Diversity | Comments Off on Why “Mismatch” is Relevant in Fisher v. Texas