Category Archives: Diversity

Evolution of contingent altruism when cooperation is expensive

Abstract: The ubiquity of cooperation has motivated a major research program over the last 50 years to discover ever more minimal conditions for the evolution of altruism. One important line of work is based on favoritism toward those who appear … Continue reading

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The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation

Torah has no doubts that the more unified and cohesive the Jewish people, the more powerful and effective they will be. I see no reason why this same principle would not hold true for not just all peoples, but for … Continue reading

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Is Diversity a Strength for America?

From Jared Taylor’s remarks at a debate at Kentucky State University. I’d like to thank Will Reilly for inviting me to speak to you today. I used to get a lot of invitations to speak on college campuses, but they … Continue reading

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What Can We Learn About Diversity From The Mess In Houston

From the Chateau: File this latest salvo in the Diversity + Proximity = War reference list: a lovefact-filled article about the intersection of natural disasters with minority rule. For the second time in a year, Houston — the fourth largest … Continue reading

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Israel vs America

In many ways, Israel is a much healthier and more serious nation than the United States. Israel has a serious wall to stop illegal immigrants, America does not. Israel is run for the benefit of its majority population — Jews, … Continue reading

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