Category Archives: Affirmative Action

What Was Obama’s LSAT Score?

From Steve Sailer in 2013: From Breitbart in 2012: A new, self-published book [Barack O’Liberal] by “pragmatic libertarian” Alan R. Lockwood claims that Barack Obama, while brilliant, may have entered Harvard Law School in the bottom 20% of his class, based … Continue reading

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‘Affirmative Action in Med School isn’t just unfair to Whites & Asians – it’s a danger to our families.’


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LAT: Plastic surgeon’s license revoked three years after court acquitted him of charges

Los Angeles Times: A Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who was accused — and acquitted — of unlawfully videotaping partly nude patients lost his medical license Friday after state officials said he was a threat to public safety. In 2013, a … Continue reading

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Do The Democrats Have A Lock On The Presidency?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * All throughout 2012 I convinced myself the polls must be biased. It was a cute theory that explained a lot and turned out to be 100% wrong. A simpler explanation of the polls and election … Continue reading

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Black Girl: Why I had to escape my Ivy League life and disappear

New York Post: Nayla Kidd was an engineering student at Columbia University when reports that she had gone missing went viral. She was found perfectly healthy nearly two weeks later, only telling police she wanted to “start fresh.” But the … Continue reading

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