Category Archives: Adolf Hitler

Was Adolf Hitler A Genius?

Walther Johann von Löpp writes: For a bunch of amoral foul-ups, the Nazis at Nuremberg were an above average group. Four of them, Schacht, Seyss-Inquart, Göring and Dönitz were in the genius range. In fact, Schacht and Seyss-Inquart possessed IQ’s … Continue reading

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As Germans Start Reading It Again, Here Are Some Unexpected Quotes from ‘Mein Kampf’ In attempting to find an angle on the much publicized fact that Germans are once again allowed to read Adolf Hitler’s “My Struggle,” published in two volumes, in 1925 and 1926, it might be instructive to examine some of … Continue reading

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Ron Rosenbaum Disturbed By Rational Examination Of Adolf Hitler

A genocide against us is unfathomable and should not be examined with normal academic methods. We are beyond examination. Our suffering is special, mystical, divine. Other genocides are explainable. But we are special. From the New York Times: “It’s probably … Continue reading

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If It Wasn’t For Hitler…

Comments: * If it wasn’t for Hitler, we could have an honest, science-based discussion on this topic. * The Nazis killed eugenics, any sort of moderate racial loyalty or realism, any investigation of racial differences, German national pride, and fifty … Continue reading

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Hitler On America’s Immigration Policy (1933)

From The New Republic Feb. 15, 1933: His greeting, when I was introduced to him, was perfunctory, suggesting latent hostility, and my first question brought this forth into full flame. I had asked him whether his anti-Semitism concerned Jews everywhere … Continue reading

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