Category Archives: Adolf Hitler

How Bad Is It In Germany Now?

Roosh tweets: “I asked a white-collar German man if he’d support Hitler if he was alive today. He said yes. That’s how bad it is in Germany right now.”

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Christie’s Auctions Statue of Hitler for $17 Mil

New York Times: The sale that Loic Gouzer, Christie’s deputy chairman of postwar and contemporary art, put together at 5 p.m. Sunday, the first of five successive spring evening auctions, at first seemed reckless, filling a catalog with challenging, even … Continue reading

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Emma Barton: I went looking for Trump supporters and I found white supremacists

Emma writes: Another bystander brings up Hitler. First, he dismisses the question as being historical and therefore irrelevant, he says he’s looking to the future instead. So, I ask, seven times before getting a straight answer, if he condemns the … Continue reading

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London Ex-Mayor Ken Livingstone Suspended from Labour for Saying Hitler Was ‘Zionist’

REUTERS: Britain’s opposition Labour Party suspended former London mayor Ken Livingstone on Thursday in a row over anti-Semitism, as the party struggles with deep divisions since electing a hard-left leader last summer. Dozens of Labour lawmakers had demanded that leader … Continue reading

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WP: A new book portrays Hitler as a normal guy. That’s a problem for some.

Every group, and probably most every person, has the capacity for genocide. Every victimhood contains a nationalism and every form of nationalism contains the capacity for genocide. If you love something, such as your people, you will stop at nothing … Continue reading

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