Category Archives: Adolf Hitler

I wonder what Hitler would have thought about medical marijuana

Gerard J. Perry: Hitler was anti-pot but pro-meth. Miriam: “What would Hitler think”, is that your equivalent of Christian’s “WWJD?” Joshua Pitterman: I always ask myself what would Hitler think before I do anything important, I feel hashem loves Irony. … Continue reading

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How Many Jewish Columnists Does The Washington Post Need To Call Trump Hitler?

I am surprised he did not invoke the Holocaust more incessantly. Trump’s Hitlerian disregard for the truth By Richard Cohen I realize that the name Hitler has the distractive quality of pornography and so I cite it only with reluctance. … Continue reading

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Is Trump Hitler?

If so, then Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy. Reminder: The people comparing Trump to Hitler spent months telling us Cruz and Rubio scared them more than Trump. — neontaster (@neontaster) September 19, 2016 Women line up to date … Continue reading

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Shalom Auslander: ‘Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler.’

I am sure Donald Trump has much of the con man in him. Most great persuaders do. F.M. Alexander, the developer of what is now known as the Alexander Technique, had many qualities of the con man but he really … Continue reading

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Ernst Nolte, Historian Whose Views on Hitler Caused an Uproar, Dies at 93

New York Times: Ernst Nolte, a German revisionist historian who broke academic taboos by equating Nazism with Bolshevism and who was denounced as an apologist for Hitler and even the Holocaust, died on Thursday in Berlin. He was 93. His … Continue reading

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