Category Archives: Adolf Hitler

Are Jews A Race?

Prior to the Holocaust, it was common for Jews to refer to themselves as a race. But with the Holocaust and the rise of Boasian anthropology, that has gone out of fashion, and educated Jews tend to take exception to … Continue reading

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The Man in the High Castle

In episode seven of this great new drama about life in America after Germany and Japan win WWII and divide up the country, an American art dealer says to an elite Japanese couple, “Better that Germany and Japan rule the … Continue reading

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Jews & Multiculturalism

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WP: A new film asks what would happen if Hitler returned to Germany. The answer is worrying.

Washington Post: It’s been more than 70 years since Adolf Hitler, the infamous Nazi leader, shot himself dead in a Berlin bunker. In the decades that have passed, Germany seems to have changed beyond recognition. While Hitler’s Germany stood for … Continue reading

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Did The War on Hitler Cause the Holocaust?

The Jewish Libertarian blogs: Despite turning 180o on almost all of my historical perspectives, there are some establishment positions that, even for me, are hard to give up. Some of my reversals are well known to the readers of TJL. … Continue reading

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