Category Archives: Trans

Transgender Man Gives Birth to Baby — Embraces Life as ‘Abba’

I don’t think she/he’ll get an aliyah at an Orthodox shul. (JTA) — When Rafi Daugherty went to the hospital for the birth of his first child, he posted a sign on the delivery room door. “I am a single … Continue reading

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North African men suspected of stoning transgender women in German city

From JPOST: “That was barbaric what they did. They are barbarians,” one of the victims said. BERLIN — Three young men from North Africa were arrested on Saturday in the western German city of Dortmund for stoning two transgender women. … Continue reading

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Food For Thought

“In Weimerica, even the aging, trans officers in our military are expected to show a lot of leg.” “#SJWs Attack Breast-feeding Women for not Being ‘Trans-inclusive’…”

Posted in Amish, Islam, Trans | Comments Off on Food For Thought

The Torah and the Transgendered

Dennis Prager writes: …Torah prohibits men from wearing women’s clothing, and women from wearing male garb. For the Torah, the distinction between men and women is fundamental to creating civilization. When the human being is created, the Torah emphasizes: “Male … Continue reading

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Librarian Of Hate

Some hate facts on this guy’s Twitter: * Arab Christians have lower rates of inbreeding than Arab Muslims. * Blacks and Hispanics have less ability to delay gratification than Whites. * 46% of male homosexuals report being molested, as compared … Continue reading

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