Category Archives: Trans

The North Carolina Legal Battle and the Its Larger Message for the Jewish People

Rabbi Avrohom Gordon writes: It’s described all over mainstream media as the North Carolina Anti-LGBT Law – intentionally creating a picture of old-time Southern bigotry, conjuring up images of signs in North Carolina establishments that bar people from entrance or … Continue reading

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America’s Bright Transgendered Future

Comment: …sort of mind boggling: A newly formed pro-transgender political action committee has sent out a questionnaire to each of the major 2016 presidential candidates — but only Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders has responded. The Trans United Fund, launched in … Continue reading

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Transgender Bathrooms Are a Human Rights Struggle – and a Jewish Imperative

Chaim Amalek writes: “To be fair, it is not as though non-orthodox rabbis are the only clerics in the West who have embraced this cause. There are plenty of Christian pastors who have as well, and the sympathy of the … Continue reading

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Jewish Groups Cheer Obama’s Transgender Protections

Why do Jewish groups care about the transgendered? Because a society that will tolerate trannies deciding which sex they are and which bathroom they will use are more likely to tolerate Jews. There’s nothing in Torah about protecting transgendered rights. … Continue reading

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Caitlyn Jenner Experienced ‘Sex Change Regret,’ Might De-Transition, Biographer Says

Chaim Amalek writes: “Future generations will come to regard this generation’s elite encouragement of “gender reassignment surgery” the way we regard previous generation’s use of prefrontal lobotomies as a way of treating mental illness. Simply barbarous.” Friend: “It will be … Continue reading

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