Category Archives: Arabs

Hitler & The Jews

The conventional wisdom is that Hitler and the Nazis despised Jews and thought they were vermin. The truth is closer to the opposite — they feared Jews because of their high intelligence and drive. I’m rereading Paul Johnson‘s classic, Modern … Continue reading

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What Has Democracy Brought The Arab World?

From comments to Steve Sailer: * Democracy promotion in the Arab world has done nothing but destabilize countries. * The Middle and Near East could very well be returning to its natural state. Until the white man showed up looking … Continue reading

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The World’s Freest Middle East Arabs Live In Israel

{Editor’s Note: The following is adapted from Ambassador Prosor’s speech to the UN General Assembly on Nov. 24} I stand before the world as a proud representative of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. I stand tall before … Continue reading

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What Does The Arab World Produce?

The Arab world produces according to its IQ — very little. It is no more of a blessing to the world than sub-Saharan Africa (which has an average IQ of 70). It is not realistic to expect good things from … Continue reading

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Should I Grieve James Foley and Steven Sotloff?

If you deliberately travel to a bad place and then bad things happen to you there, am I supposed to be surprised and shocked and saddened? Visiting Syria is a deliberate dance with the devil. Who asked you to risk … Continue reading

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