Category Archives: Nationalism

Ethnic nationalism, evolutionary psychology and Genetic Similarity Theory by J. Philippe Rushton

ABSTRACT. Genetic Similarity Theory extends Anthony D. Smith’s theory of ethno-symbolism by anchoring ethnic nepotism in the evolutionary psychology of altruism. Altruism toward kin and similar others evolved in order to help replicate shared genes. Since ethnic groups are repositories … Continue reading

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The Messiah Will Purify Jewish Bloodlines

I spent part of my Sabbath afternoon reading the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Purifying the Jewish bloodline was a major pre-occupation of Ezra the Scribe and of Judaism in general. From Wikipedia: Ezra led a large body of exiles … Continue reading

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Nazi Hunter: Nuremberg-esque march no way to celebrate Estonian independence

Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff writes: Tuesday’s march, which was sponsored by the Sinine Aratus (Blue Awakening) youth movement, closely affiliated with the Estonian Conservative People’s Party (EKRE), was a good example of at least one of the major problems we … Continue reading

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What Does It Mean To Be A Man?

Nietzsche teaches that we should love our fate. Here is a quote from Oswald Spengler: “We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to … Continue reading

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Slate: White Supremacists to Hold Confab at the National Press Club the Weekend of CPAC

REPORT: If you’re in D.C. for CPAC weekend and interested in rubbing shoulders with white supremacists, the National Press Club has you covered. On the evening of Feb. 27, the Press Club will provide space in its downtown D.C. building … Continue reading

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