Category Archives: Nationalism

ADL Says Jewish Nationalism Is Inviolable

From the ADL: Inaccuracy: The concept of a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not feasible and is outdated. Instead, there should be one state, a “bi-national” state that would be comprised of Israel and the West Bank and … Continue reading

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Millenial Woes Retires From Nationalism

Colin emails: Millennial Woes recently watched your livestream about himself and informed me that you had a few things wrong. “He says that I was reported on by “a local newspaper” – no, it was the front page of the … Continue reading

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#297 8-7-19 Ethnonationalism: The Quest for Understanding by Walker Connor XXVI

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Walker Connor – Texas Ranger

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Why Do We Have Mass Killers?

Rod Dreher writes: Can we blame Elizabeth Warren, socialism, anime, or the Devil, for Connor Betts’s massacre? No. What about Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook killer? There was nothing political in his madness. He was autistic — but millions of … Continue reading

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