Category Archives: Nationalism

Innocent Black Guy Gets Blamed, Shot, Killed For Israel Terror Attack

Los Angeles Times: “Among the more seriously injured was an Eritrean man who was apparently mistaken for a terrorist. Authorities said the man was shot by a guard and then beaten by an angry mob. Israeli news reports described him … Continue reading

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Mondoweiss: The refreshing bluntness of Ayelet Shaked

I respect the Mondoweiss blog even though his point of view is the opposite of mine. He’s a leftist and therefore he does not see important differences based on religion and race. I see culture and nation as the product … Continue reading

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Will European Soccer Fans Turn Nationalist Soldiers?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * An example of a soccer fan club turning to militant nationalist politics when the rubber hit the road is early 1990s Yugoslavia. Down in Serbia, a certain unsavory, underworld, and semi-criminal character who called himself … Continue reading

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The West Needs More Ethnocentrism, Less Pathological Altruism

Richard Rorty writes: If we Westerners could get rid of the notion of universal moral obligation created by membership in the species, and substitute the idea of building a community of trust between ourselves and others, we might be in … Continue reading

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Max Blumenthal: How the Israel Lobby Protected Ukrainian Neo-Nazis

Max Blumenthal, a journalist of the left who opposes all ethno-nationalisms including the Israel expression, writes: AlterNet has learned that an amendment to the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would have forbidden US assistance, training and weapons to … Continue reading

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