Category Archives: Nationalism

Anti-Semitism Doesn’t Just Attach Itself To Nationalism, It’s A Feature, Not A Bug

Any time I read the phrase, “must repudiate it,” my BS alarm goes off. Charles Murray tweets: “This kind of thing has attached itself to Trumpism. Trump supporters need to take the lead in repudiating it.” He’s responding to these … Continue reading

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Trump’s Unwelcome Support: White Supremacists

Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin, CNN, February 5, 2016: New Hampshire voters may be stunned to hear the latest robocall asking for their vote; it’s from white nationalists with a simple, disturbing message. “We don’t need Muslims. We need smart, … Continue reading

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Was Gandhi A White Supremacist?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Mahatma Gandhi was arguably a white supremacist. Gandhi’s rise to fame was in South Africa fighting for rights for wealthy Indians. He firmly believed, “that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating … Continue reading

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Marty Kaplan: The idiocy of the Iowa caucuses

Marty Kaplan writes: “We’re suckers for the patriotic mythology and gauzy imagery of town halls and high school gyms where candidates get grilled and caucus-goers speak up and get counted. But the power of Iowa and New Hampshire isn’t a … Continue reading

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What Drove Germany To Two World Wars?

There is nothing that is human that is foreign to me. There is nothing Hitler did that is not inside of everybody. For instance, most people wish that their enemies would simply disappear. Israelis wish that Palestinians would simply disappear, … Continue reading

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