Category Archives: Nationalism

How Trump Is Inspiring A New Generation Of White Nationalists

From Huffington Post: WASHINGTON — The gathering on the eighth-floor rotunda of the federal government’s Ronald Reagan Building looked, at first glance, like any other Saturday-evening D.C. cocktail party. But this was no ordinary affair. The 50 or so people … Continue reading

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5 Questions CNN needs to ask Donald Trump

Rob Eshman writes: Here are five questions CNN needs to ask Donald Trump: 1. You have said that when you retweeted the tweets of avowed white supremacists, you did so inadvertently. What steps have you taken to make sure this … Continue reading

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Louis Farrakhan praises Donald Trump

The Nation of Islam is perhaps the most powerful movement of black nationalism in America. It tends to make Jews upset when you inform them that blacks don’t like them. It’s hard to think of two peoples more different — … Continue reading

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American Jewry’s Disgraceful Hypocrisy

Uri S. Segelman writes: Of course Israel is the Jewish State, and affirming such may be among the least controversial things one could possibly say to a group of American Jews. [And when I say “Jews,” I mean people affiliated, … Continue reading

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WP: Mein Kampf Now A Bestseller In Germany

One useful perspective here is naturalism. What is natural? What happens in the state of nature? Often what is natural is for individuals and groups to pursue their interests at the cost of the well-being of other individuals and groups. … Continue reading

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