Category Archives: Nationalism

Would You Give Your Life For The European Union?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * For centuries, thousands have given their lives for England, as have thousands for France, Poland, and Germany. I wonder if you could even fill a conference room in Brussels for those who would die for … Continue reading

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Daily Wire: AP: Leftists Are ‘Anti-Fascists’; White Nationalists Are ‘Right-Wing Extremists’

From Twitter: * @YvetteFelarca, leader of #Antifa, punches and beats Nationalist in Sacramento. ?EXCLUSIVE: @YvetteFelarca, leader of #Antifa, punches and beats Nationalist in Sacramento — MicroMagic™ Cummies™ (@WDFx2EU2) June 28, 2016 * Terrorist groups who are funded by the … Continue reading

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What Happened In Sacramento?

From Breitbart: It is worth noting that the SPLC does not seem to acknowledge the rising danger of the “anti-fa” or “anti-fascist movement,” which makes no distinction between fringe groups like the Traditionalist Workers Party and ordinary people who attend … Continue reading

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Why Are Journalists So Down About Brexit?

Why do all the journos sound so bummed out? Why should they care whether or not Britain leaves the EU? If they care so much, why? And if they have picked a side in this matter, how many other sides … Continue reading

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Ryan Landry: ‘Is there a single Jewish pundit applauding #Leave?’

Ryan Landry posts: The Brits came through, and if the exit polls are any indication, the old Brits came through and “Leave” won. How much pain and anguish was there last night? Pundits were throwing out “dark days like 1914” … Continue reading

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