Category Archives: Eugenics

Does Eugenics Lead To Genocide?

Richard Lynn writes in his book Eugenics: First, eugenics does not require the extermination of undesirables. It is sufficient for eugenics that the mentally retarded and recidivist criminals should be sterilized. Second, eugenic considerations did not play any significant role … Continue reading

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Using Immigration To Boost Eugenics

Richard Lynn writes in his book Eugenics: The final strategy for the promotion of positive eugenics would consist of the acceptance of good-quality immigrants. Historically, the leading instance where immigration has had a positive impact has been the admission into … Continue reading

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Parental Licenses

Richard Lynn writes in his book Eugenics: The most recent proposal for parental licensing comes from David Lykken (1995), a psychology professor at the University of Minnesota. He began his discussion by making a distinction between psychopaths and sociopaths. He … Continue reading

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Stop The Killing!

I keep reading all these heartfelt cries for stopping the killing in the Middle East. So let’s indulge this wish for a minute and think about what would happen if all the actors in the Middle East decided to stop … Continue reading

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Should We Require People To Have A License Before They Procreate?

Richard Lynn writes in his book Eugenics: The first of the recent proposals for licenses for parenthood was made in 1980 by the American political scientist Hugh LaFollette (1980). He began by contending that some parents are unfit to rear … Continue reading

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