Category Archives: Steve Sailer

Everybody Should Be Talking About Steve Sailer

In 2000, Steve Sailer wrote that the path forward for Republicans was not appealing to minorities but maximizing the white vote. That’s the strategy Trump ran on. I just did a Google news search on “Steve Sailer” and there are … Continue reading

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Monsieur Hulot and the Flynn Effect

Steve Sailer writes: Here’s a photo from 1966 of my father and I trying to recreate the famous poster shot from Mon Oncle on my dad’s new Honda 90: For decades, this photo and the uncharacteristically carefree expression on my … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer’s Weird Hours

The highlight of my day is when Steve Sailer makes a new blog post, which often happens late at night or in the early morning (I live in Los Angeles). Steve Sailer writes: The Internet facilitates jeering from the peanut … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer Tweet Storm

Not good. Tough to beat Democrats, media, the rich, much of GOP, etc. Trump would have to execute perfectly. Hard! — Steve Sailer (@Steve_Sailer) August 3, 2016 Like Enoch Powell in 1968, Buchanan saw long term future in 1992 … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer Putting More Time Into Twitter

Pope calls for "dreamers" to imagine world that "refuses to see borders as barriers." St. John Lennon next? — Steve Sailer (@Steve_Sailer) July 31, 2016 Bring back Clock Boy for a third go-round in the media? — Steve Sailer … Continue reading

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