Category Archives: IQ

Vox: “Charles Murray Is Once Again Peddling Junk Science About Race and IQ”

Steve Sailer writes: Getting worked up over Charles Murray being allowed on a podcast seems a little bizarre. (Here’s the podcast.) Under the faux indignation and clickbait headline, however, this is about as good an attempt as any to shore … Continue reading

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Estimating IQ with a Brain Scan

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I’m having a hard time penetrating the science jargon, but let me take a guess at what it means. Synaptic networks comprising the human brain make up a fractal pattern. The more space filling that … Continue reading

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Nixon and Moynihan on Race and IQ–Know the Truth–Don’t Admit It!

James Fulford writes: The Oval Office tape of Richard Nixon and Pat Moynihan posted on YouTube and recently noted by Steve Sailer has both men saying that they know the truth about IQ and race–but can never admit it. And … Continue reading

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Will Exercise Save Your Wits?

Comments at James Thompson: * Everyone should exercise, whether it be strength training or cardio. If you don’t exercise, you better start. Grip strength tests are also very important and show racial differences. Blacks have weaker grip even when they … Continue reading

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Women’s Brains

James Thompson writes: Men’s brains are bigger than women’s, even when controlling for bigger body size, which means they should have higher intelligence, though the evidence for that is conflicting. Most researchers find no notable differences overall, saying that different … Continue reading

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