Category Archives: IQ

Race, IQ And Civilization

The late psychologist J. Philippe Rushton said: “Arthur Jensen got into this [IQ] business in the first place because teachers were calling him up and saying, ‘I don’t understand. I have two children here — a white child with an … Continue reading

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The Importance Of Brain Size

Larger brains correlate with higher IQs. Brains in whites start getting smaller after age 25, in Asians after 35. Asians have larger brains, higher IQs and wider hips than do whites who in turn have larger brains and wider hips … Continue reading

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Not So Bright

I’ve gone much of my life competing against people smarter than me. I just sense that I’m not as sharp as my peers. School was rarely easy for me. I had to slog to get As. Whatever success I’ve had … Continue reading

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Men’s IQ Tends To Be 4-5 Points Higher Than Women’s

According to Gene Expression: Men average 4 to 5 IQ points higher than women. “The generally listed “peak” age for scientific creativity and productivity is around the surprisingly young age range of 30-40, but the same exact age doesn’t apply … Continue reading

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Immigration, Morality & IQ

Internet poster “Gary M.” wrote in 2008: [Dennis] Prager interviewed Michelle Malkin a number of years ago on his radio show about her book, Invasion. At one point, Malkin became so distressed by what she was hearing from him, that … Continue reading

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