Category Archives: IQ

For The Discerning Reader

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Publishing this today would risk prosecution under the hate laws. Unless Johnson (who, like Orwell, has never been much of a fan of the Irish) publishes it to shame Darwin. Then it’s legally okay.” It … Continue reading

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IQ By Religion, Race, Intended College Major, Occupation, Etc

Some great posts: State IQ estimates (2013), all and whites only State IQ estimates (2013), Hispanics only State IQ estimates (2013), blacks only State IQ estimates (2009) State IQ estimates (2005) IQ estimates by intended college major (via SAT scores) … Continue reading

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Don’t Get Sick In Low IQ Countries

This obvious link between IQ and health outcomes does not get mentioned in the Washington Post story: The island nation of Madagascar and the landlocked Himalayan nation of Bhutan might seem like charming tourist attractions. Travelers might want to think … Continue reading

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Those High IQ Indonesians

The average IQ of Indonesians is 87, the same as Mexicans. REPORT: The hashtag “KoinuntukAustralia” (coins for Australia) is a reaction to Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s suggestion that Indonesia should reciprocate for the $A1 billion in aid Australia sent after … Continue reading

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A Pragmatic vs an Absolute Commitment to Truth

In this lecture, Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff says: “My wife was on a bus in Jerusalem and struck up a conversation with a woman writing in Arabic, who says, I owe my life to the Jewish Agency. The Mossad set up … Continue reading

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