Category Archives: IQ

It’s Important To Invest In The Coming Latino Majority

The Los Angeles Daily News reports Mar. 31, 2015: While their growth has slowed in recent decades, Latinos will likely be the majority in Los Angeles County by 2020, experts say. And since 2001, more than 60 percent of babies … Continue reading

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The Atlantic: Haunted by the Past: A Criminal Record Shouldn’t Ruin a Career

Why wouldn’t an employer want to know if a potential employee is a criminal? Who’s to say this information is irrelevant? An IQ test is an excellent proxy for likelihood to engage in criminal behavior. Higher IQ people are more … Continue reading

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Hate Facts

LINK: The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a … Continue reading

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Most Adults Can’t Reason Formally

Dr. Herman T. Epstein writes: Only one-third of adults can reason formally. That means that two-thirds of the citizens in a democracy cannot understand the more complex issues facing them both in life and in elections. Unless ways can be … Continue reading

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Do IQ Differences Matter?

Linda Gottfredson writes: Life is complex, and complexity operates like a headwind that impedes progress more strongly for individuals lower on the IQ continuum. Everyone makes cognitive mistakes, but lower intelligence increases the risk of error. Take, for example, health … Continue reading

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