Category Archives: IQ

No Evidence of Racial Discrimination in Criminal Justice Processing

Abstract: One of the most consistent findings in the criminological literature is that African American males are arrested, convicted, and incarcerated at rates that far exceed those of any other racial or ethnic group. This racial disparity is frequently interpreted … Continue reading

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Tatu Vanhanen RIP

From Wikipedia: Tatu Vanhanen (17 April 1929 – 22 August 2015) was a professor emeritus of political science at the University of Tampere in Tampere, Finland. Vanhanen was a coauthor with Richard Lynn of IQ and the Wealth of Nations … Continue reading

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IQ Isn’t The Whole Story

Chateau Heartiste: There are, for instance, group differences in personality, temperament, proclivity to violence, trustworthiness, and what I’ll call General Interactive Behavioral Socialization (GIBS…medat). That last mouthful is just a fancy way of describing how people socialize and behave when … Continue reading

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The association between intelligence and lifespan is mostly genetic

Link: “Conclusions: The finding of common genetic effects between lifespan and intelligence has important implications for public health, and for those interested in the genetics of intelligence, lifespan or inequalities in health outcomes including lifespan.”

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WP: If it becomes possible to safely genetically increase babies’ IQ, it will become inevitable

Eugene Volokh writes: Intelligence is, generally speaking, good, and more is, generally speaking, better. It’s better for the person in question. It’s better for society to have more intelligent people. It’s not the most important thing. But ask yourself: All … Continue reading

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