Category Archives: IQ

Pinker on the Hunt for IQ Genes

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Steve Pinker has done a great job of slowly and cautiously getting HBD thinking into the mainstream. He needs to watch his every step or he will be Watsoned by the censorship mob. So far … Continue reading

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‘The Bell Curve’ 20 years later: A Q&A with Charles Murray

James Pethokoukis writes for AEI: October marks the 20th anniversary of “The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life,” the extraordinarily influential and controversial book by AEI scholar Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein. Here, Murray answers a few … Continue reading

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America and the Nexus between Free Speech, Minorities and Refugees

Rabbis Abraham Cooper and Yitzhock Adlerstein write: There is no gene for hatred. Youngsters learn it from others—from parents and peers; from sermons and social media. So Americans would do well to heed calls to oppose hateful barbs aimed at … Continue reading

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How can we stop dumb people from driving?

Psychometrician Linda Gottfredson wrote in 2004: “IQ was the best predictor of the major cause of death, motor vehicle accidents. Vehicular death rates doubled and then tripled at successively lower IQ ranges (100–115, 85–100, 80–85; O’Toole, 1990).” Perhaps no drivers … Continue reading

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The Panicking Cashier

Comments: * Once a gay Asian cashier at Starbucks once visibly panicked when I paid for a $2 coffee with 8 quarters. * There have been a few times when I have been at a fast food restaurant or supermarket … Continue reading

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