Category Archives: IQ

Genes Account For Success, Though Not Happiness

From NewScientist: When Belsky and his colleagues looked at the genetic profiles of the New Zealanders, they found that those with higher polygenic scores not only had a greater education, but went on to achieve more in other ways. By … Continue reading

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Muhammad Ali’s IQ

From VDARE: A few thoughts apropos of Steve Sailer’s post, which included Muhammad Ali’s IQ, 75 and linked to Phillippe Rushton’s piece, which explained how mystified college professors are when seemingly engaged, prepared, intelligent, garrulous and entertaining black students fail … Continue reading

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Is Intelligence Hereditary?

Robert Plomin, a deputy director of the MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Center at King’s College London, responds: Scientists have investigated this question for more than a century, and the answer is clear: the differences between people on intelligence … Continue reading

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For People With An IQ Of 140 Or Higher, There’s An 8:1 Male Advantage

Dr. James Thompson blogs: So, if population measures are the best, then the established ratio of very brightest boys to very brightest girls is 8 to 1 in actuality. This is not a glass ceiling effect, nor any ceiling effect … Continue reading

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IQ Differences By Sex

REPORT: The conventional wisdom about sex differences in IQ is that males and females have the same average IQ. The conventional wisdom also stipulates that males are more variable than females, meaning that there are more mentally deficient and gifted … Continue reading

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