Category Archives: IQ

Big-headed babies are brightest

Phrenology is real. Big heads correlate with big brains which correlate with high IQ. People with big heads typically don’t run fast because their body shape must change to support their big heads, so their hips get wider and then … Continue reading

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Different Peoples Produce Different Civilizations

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What About The Jewish-Gentile Wage Gap?

You never hear about that. You hear about how women supposedly earn 79c on the dollar to what men earn in similar jobs. You hear about how whites out-earn blacks. But you never hear about the Jewish-Gentile wage gap. I … Continue reading

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From La Griffe du Lion: Baltimore is typical of many Midwestern and Northern cities, whose demographics were forever changed by the great black migration of the twentieth century. Not unexpectedly we found a cognitive discontinuity at the city line. Surprising, … Continue reading

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Eminent Minds

Most days I have the opportunity to talk to someone with an IQ around 180. It is usually the highlight of my day. I rarely get to finish a joke with this guy because he has already seen the punchline. … Continue reading

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