Category Archives: Talmud

Should Ordinary Jews Study Talmud?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: In all the discussions recently about the success of Daf Yomi, I didn’t see anyone note that one of the reasons this success is so surprising is that the whole notion of Daf Yomi goes … Continue reading

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Talmud Study Vs Daf Yomi

Joe emails: To me, daf yomi is a necessary semi-good, semi-evil. There is this belief that knowledge of the entire Talmud is part of being a torah jew. I would begrudgingly concede that it is a neat thing to have … Continue reading

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I Do A Page Of Talmud A Day But I Don’t Understand Much

I like to drink a couple of cups of coffee and stand there and listen to the rabbi and I feel like I’m doing something amazing. I don’t think I’d get up early every morning to struggle over one line … Continue reading

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What Is The Brisker Method Of Talmud Study?

According to Wikipedia: “The Brisker method, or Brisker derech, is a reductionistic approach to Talmud study innovated by Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik of Brisk, as opposed to the traditional approach which was rather holistic. It has since become popular and spread … Continue reading

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There Are Parts Of The Talmud We Don’t Want Non-Jews To See

In his second lecture for Torah in Motion on the Chatam Sofer, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “The Chatam Sofer gave his approval for the Talmud to be translated into German. What were the objections of the other rabbis? They … Continue reading

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