Category Archives: Jews

The Greatest Sins Of The West

Comments at Steve Sailer: * In reality, the greatest sins of those who built America, and frankly the greatest sins of the West, have been kindness and generosity. These are great virtues, and among our greatest strengths when extended to … Continue reading

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Jews & WASPs

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Let’s review what we can call The VDARE Pro-WASP crowd wants us to not know. The crystallization of what an American later labelled WASP culture came with the rise of the Puritans to revolutionary dismantling … Continue reading

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Statute Vs Poem

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Statue and Poem send contrasting messages and represent the contradiction at the heart of America. Statue stands for radiating American Ideals to the rest of the world. Teach the world to be free and choose … Continue reading

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Jews At The American Renaissance Conference

From Z Man: A good example of this is a conversation I had with a Jewish guy on Friday night. That’s right, there was a Jewish guy at AmRen. In fact, there were quite a few. Something almost no one … Continue reading

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The Ari Shaffir Comedy Special

I just watched the first Ari Shaffir comedy special on Netflix on children. It made me ill. #Poison A goy: “I knowwww!! It’s… like… see how unselfaware he is? Like obviously he doesn’t realize that he’s being Shlomo Shekelberg. But … Continue reading

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