Category Archives: Jews

When Is A Pardon Shameful?

US Jewish groups say Arpaio pardon “shameful” and “inexcusable”; but they fought tooth & nail for Marc Rich's pardon — Kevin MacDonald (@TOOEdit) August 27, 2017 Stephen Steinlight: Do you have any idea what percentage of Americans who are … Continue reading

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For Race And Nation: George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party

An Amazon customer review: This is the only book I’ve ever read about George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party, although I have read other works on the hard right movement. It was a very revealing, but disturbing portrait … Continue reading

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Peter Beinart: ‘The One Thing Jews Should Be Doing To Combat White Supremacy’

Peter Beinart writes in the Forward: Today’s anti-Semitism isn’t like the anti-Semitism of 100 or even 50 years ago. Overwhelmingly, it comes not from society’s winners but from its losers. Jews no longer press their noses against the gates of … Continue reading

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Jews argue whether Zionism is racism — in the Forward!

Philip Weiss writes: Charlottesville has been a depth charge. The Israeli right was loath to condemn the white nationalists at the fringe of Trump’s base, and this has sent a shock through the American Jewish community. There is open argument … Continue reading

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Alt-Right Jew: Charlottesville Was A Wake-Up Call

Alt Right Jew Joshua Seidel writes: Even after Charlottesville, I still don’t know what to think of Richard Spencer. It’s Saturday night and I’m watching him compare his movement to Zionism on Israeli TV. He’s wearing a nice shirt and … Continue reading

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