Category Archives: Jews

Forward: Paul Nehlen Calls On ‘Alt-Right’ Trolls To Fight ‘Jewish Media’

This is ridiculous and sad because the Jewish Media never fights anyone, never demeans anyone, rather, it always practices love and inclusion. Why would a goy want to fight the Jewish Media? We’re on your side. We only want what … Continue reading

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Blood and Faith: Christianity in American White Nationalism

Here are some highlights from this new book: * We should then understand that Oliver’s critique of what he described as “quaint” patriotism and American conservatism was essentially pragmatic in relation to the survival of the white race. He was … Continue reading

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When Did It Become A Bad Thing To Be Offensive?

When Jews like Lenny Bruce and Al Goldstein were on the way up in America, it was a great thing to be offensive. In the 1950s and 1960s, Jews led the fight for free speech. Now they lead the fight … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer talks to Kevin MacDonald about the JQ

On Alt Right Plus (subscription required), there’s a conversation between the romantic philosopher Richard Spencer and the seeming empiricist Kevin MacDonald: Richard: “What is the essence of the Jewish Question?” Kevin MacDonald: “As a close-knit group, and talented, they have … Continue reading

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Top Ten Contributors To American Politics 2016

Friend: “Steyer is only one half Jewish and technically not a Jew at all. His mother is an Episcopalian. I do not think she converted or that Steyer was raised as a Jew. His wedding was officiated both by a … Continue reading

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