Category Archives: Jews

So This Black Guy Walks Into A Shul…

There are plenty of Orthodox Jews who are black and fit in with their communities. They lead lives observant of Torah. Their skin color is not a big issue to most of their co-religionists. All the obligations that a Jew … Continue reading

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Meir Kahane & William Pierce

I learned about Meir Kahane early into my exploration of Judaism when the rabbi was assassinated in 1990. I was shocked that a rabbi who wanted to push non-Jews out of Israel would have so much support in Jewish life. … Continue reading

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None of the churches I grew up in offered screenwriting classes. I went to an Orthodox shul tonight to take a class from a bloke with real credits. A husband and wife performed one of his scenes. The rabbi walked … Continue reading

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The Wolf Of Wall Street

I never remember encountering the attitude that it is fine to screw the wider world so long as you take care of your own until I converted to Judaism. That transition opened up my eyes to tribal thinking where the … Continue reading

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Were Blacks Better Off Under Jim Crow Laws?

On Friday, I posted to FB: “Phil Robertson stood tall for his beliefs [about homosexuality] and A&E caved.” My friend Michael responded: “Phil’s “beliefs” include black people supposedly enjoying living under racist Jim Crow laws.” Michael, Phil didn’t give any … Continue reading

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