Category Archives: Jews

The Gullible Goyim

I’m reading the Tom Clancy novel Red Storm Rising, probably his best. The bad guy spy sent into West Germany is a deliberately chosen Jew: “And it’s a cunning plan. The Jewish identification, for example. The bastards play on our … Continue reading

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Paul Gottfried Interview

According to Wikipedia: Paul Edward Gottfried (born 1941) is an American paleoconservative political philosopher, intellectual historian, columnist and former Horace Raffensperger Professor of Humanities at Elizabethtown College in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, as well as a Guggenheim recipient. He is currently an … Continue reading

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Jews Ordered To Register In Donetsk, Ukraine

The Jewish Press reports: On the first day of Passover this week, three armed men in the eastern Ukrainian province of Donetsk distributed flyers warning Jews to “register” themselves and their assets with the new pro-Russian government, according to the … Continue reading

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If You Can Have Jewish Neighborhoods, Why Not White Neighborhoods?

For the past 20 years, I’ve lived in and around the Pico-Robertson neighborhood of 90035. It contains about 100 Orthodox synagogues and about 30 kosher restaurants. About 10,000 Orthodox Jews live within a mile of the intersection of Pico and … Continue reading

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Jewish Eugenics

Chaim Amalek writes: “What is the idea of “yicchus”, if not a poor man’s attempt at eugenics? Also, every sensible human being practices eugenics to the fullest extent of his abilities (social, economic, etc.) when selecting a mate. And everyone … Continue reading

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