Category Archives: Jews

From the website: As part of Professor Jennifer Thompson’s American Jewish Experience, Introduction to Judaism, and Jewish Ethics and Society courses at CSUN, students conducted research on Jewish sites in the San Fernando and Conejo Valleys. The student projects involved … Continue reading

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Jared Taylor & The Jews

From American Thinker: On “the Jewish question,” Taylor seems to walk a tightrope. On the one hand, he has written, “People who are constantly talking about and complaining about Jewish influence remind me of blacks who think that everything that’s … Continue reading

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The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature by Byron M. Roth

Steve Sailer writes: I’ve written about immigration roughly every couple of weeks for eleven years now. So I’m constantly confronted by the fear that, after a half million or so words, there can’t possibly be anything left to say. But … Continue reading

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Is White Nationalism Kosher?

I asked a Jewish friend for his views and he replied: The term “nationalism” doesn’t ring right for me. I don’t know what term would work better for me. John Derbyshire’s disposition is in the ballpark of my own, and … Continue reading

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In Praise Of Traditional Ties

I notice that people who are rooted in the traditions of their people like it when others are similarly rooted. Orthodox Jews, for instance, do not rejoice when the goyim become secular and lose their traditional ties. It is better … Continue reading

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