Category Archives: Jews

Are Jews Safer In Europe Than In Israel?

Steve Sailer writes: “Netanyahu’s implication that Jews are safe in Israel. Apparently, in the leader of Israel’s judgment, Jews shouldn’t worry all that much about the Iranian nuclear program, Gaza tunnels, Hezbollah rockets, or all the Arabs in the world … Continue reading

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Jews Are Beginning To Abandon The Narrative That Islamic Immigration Is Good

Steve Sailer writes: This emerging terrorist pattern of — Let’s go try to kill some people in the media and then go try to kill some Jews — is likely to increasingly get on the nerves of Jews in the … Continue reading

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Jared Taylor: What I Like About Blacks

Jared writes (and his experiences mirror mine): Like some other writers for this website, I have a reputation for writing rude things about blacks. I have written rude things about whites, Hispanics, Asians, and Muslims, but being rude about blacks … Continue reading

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Lessons of the Holocaust

We often hear about the “lessons of the Holocaust.” What about lessons of other genocides? I put “lessons of the Holocaust” into Google and got 231,000 results. I put “lessons of the Nazis” into Google and got 15,600,000 results. I … Continue reading

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Does Asian Success Spring From Asian Values?

A documentary on the rise of Japan and South Korea concludes: “Asians themselves began to boast of Asian values. They proclaimed that their growing success was due to discipline and to hard work, their schools and strong authoritarian control.” Jews … Continue reading

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