Category Archives: Jews

Diaspora Jews Becoming More Immigration Skeptical

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think the Jewish diaspora strategy is slowly evolving from invite the world (50 years ago) to invite/invade the world (10-20 years ago) to a more right-wing, invade but don’t invite the world, as is … Continue reading

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How Do Jews & The NYT Regard Japan?

Comment to Steve Sailer: * A single article that’s heavy on dubious statements and light on any evidence seems a bit flimsy to hang that assertion on. Japanese are pretty skeptical of immigration in general but the idea that they … Continue reading

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Why Are Jews Left-Wing?

Stephen Steinlight writes: * As a Jew (one who was once solidly left-liberal and held a high position in one of the country’s most prominent Jewish Establishment organizations) I find nothing remotely offensive about Congressman King’s assertion that most Jews … Continue reading

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Let’s Start World War III!

“I’m willing to start World War III!” That’s a favorite phrase among Jews I know to indicate their commitment to something. I’ve never gotten used to Jewish intensity. My WASP upbringing was more laid back. Jesus suffered and so we … Continue reading

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Jewish Disregard For The Goyim’s Safety Laws Can Lead To Dead Jews

Heshy Fried writes on FB: “One of the most frightful days for the yeshiva administration was when the fire inspector showed up. I remember one instance when Rabbis were communicating with the janitor and beis medrish guys as to where … Continue reading

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