Category Archives: Jews

NYT: Moldova, Hunting for Missing Millions, Finds Only Ash

Man behind it is an Israeli-born Jew of Moldovan descent, “Shor”. Chaim Amalek writes: “WHY do you always bring up these things where the goyim can see them? Do you WANT the goyim to hate us, to stop spending their … Continue reading

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‘Never Send A Goy To Do A Jew’s Job’

Taken to heart, this saying (according to a Google search just now, this phrase has never been published before) could save you millions of dollars. There are certain things that blacks are better at, that goyim are better at, that … Continue reading

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Jews Are More Against Immigration Than For It

Comments to Steve Sailer: * In the data, Jews are more against immigration than for it. 1. Jewish-Americans’ responses on immigration: 50% too high, 5% too low, 22% just right, 23% not sure. So we can’t say Jews are for … Continue reading

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‘There are plenty of us Jewish Aborigines’

Dan Goldberg writes for The Jewish Chronicle: Professor Lisa Jackson Pulver is not your average Australian Jew. True, she is one of this country’s 110,000 or so tribal members, but she is also a member of another tribe – an … Continue reading

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The American Way

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Growing up I felt no cultural identity whatsoever, other than American. The first Jewish person I remember meeting was a friend from elementary school, who one day stopped and said to me, “I’m Jewish.” I … Continue reading

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