Category Archives: Jews

Jewish Loathing Of Southern Racism

Paul Gottfried writes: Since the Charleston shootings, GOP officials have been scrambling to comply with Leftist demands that Southern Whites be stripped of visible signs of their Confederate heritage. The GOP has actually been downplaying the Confederacy for years—Jeb Bush … Continue reading

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Guardian: Police powerless to stop neo-Nazi rally in Jewish area of London

Report: Police have no powers to ban a static demonstration and must safeguard the right to protest, says Met police spokesman. cotland Yard has said it cannot prevent a neo-Nazi protest taking place in the heart of one of London’s … Continue reading

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And So It Begins

Chaim Amalek writes: In the first case in the nation to put the controversial practice on trial, the jury concluded that Arthur Goldberg and Elaine Berk, the founders of Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing in Jersey City and life … Continue reading

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Swastikas Around 90035

There have been a series of swastika sprayings around 90035 the past few weeks and the Chabad rabbi at Mount Olympus had his car set on fire last week. Some of my Jewish friends don’t think Jews will be safe … Continue reading

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Are Jews & Gays Typically On The Side Of Equality Or Hierarchy?

Steve Sailer writes: “Like Jews, gays down through history have typically been more likely to be on the side of inequality and hierarchy.” Comments to Steve Sailer: * Given that the South has apparently been the least anti-semitic region of … Continue reading

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