Category Archives: Jews

The Power Of The Christian Right!

If we can openly discuss the power and influence of the Christian Right in America (in public education, public space, politics), why can’t we openly discuss the power and influence of the Saudi Lobby and of Jews, Chinese, etc? Chaim … Continue reading

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WP: Jews in America struggled for decades to become white. Now we must give up whiteness to fight racism.

Gil Steinlauf is the senior rabbi at Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C. He writes: Adapted from a Rosh Hashanah sermon delivered at Adas Israel Congregation. This summer, I had a conversation with a young woman about her Jewish identity. … Continue reading

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Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Blasts ‘Spiritually Dangerous’ Christian Event in Jerusalem

From Haaretz: Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau and Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef say even though International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem are friends of Israel, the event undermines the state’s Jewish character. Why shouldn’t Gentile state argue that all sorts … Continue reading

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Do You Rent Or Own?

If you tell a Los Angeles Jew that you’ve moved into a new place, they’ll often ask you, “Do you rent or own?” to assess where you are in life. Do goyim do this as much? How about Jews elsewhere … Continue reading

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Above & Beyond

This Netflix documentary describes the founding of the Israeli Air Force by secular American young men looking for sex, adventure and to help their people. These men had only the weakest ties to Judaism and to the Jewish people, but … Continue reading

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