Category Archives: Jews

JTA: Jewish groups praise immigration reform proposals

From JTA Jan. 30, 2013: Mark Hetfield, interim president and CEO of HIAS, an organization that deals with migration and refugee resettlement, said he “is more encouraged than we have been in years that our leaders will finally create a … Continue reading

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JJ: Channeling Purim’s Esther, Jewish women fast for immigration reform March 13, 2014: While many devout Jews across the United States and elsewhere observed the pre-Purim tradition of fasting on Thursday, March 13, more than 200 Jewish women and men are going without food today for a different cause: … Continue reading

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Central American immigrants’ story reflects Jews’ past

“David A. Lash is an attorney in Los Angeles, serving as the managing counsel of pro bono and public interest services at O’Melveny & Myers LLP. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Association of … Continue reading

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Jewish values inspire immigration reform

Rabbi Ron Stern writes: “The Jewish community has benefited beyond measure from the immigration policies of this nation, which allowed Jews to immigrate to these shores for centuries. We are compelled to act because we remember our core story: We … Continue reading

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Swedish Jew Goes All Out Against Her Own Government

If Jews in the West are once again thrown into a pit of death, you can thank Jewish activists such Annika Hernroth-Rothstein. Declaring war on your host nation can often propel host nations to go to war on your tribe. … Continue reading

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