Category Archives: Jews

Jews & Multiculturalism

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Steve Sailer: Professor of Ethics Convicted of Seducing Mentally Retarded Patient

Steve writes: “Forty years sounds pretty harsh for somebody being an overly true believer in today’s conventional wisdom. There is a lot of talk about “over-incarceration,” much of it soft-headed. But this would seem like an example where the kind … Continue reading

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Jews’ anger at Ben Carson’s comments needs explaining

Dennis Prager writes: Why all the Jewish anger over Dr. Ben Carson’s comments on guns, Jews and the Holocaust? Apparently, some, perhaps many, American Jews believe it would have been worthless, or, as Tom Tugend argued in the Jewish Journal, … Continue reading

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Jews, Gentiles & Circumcision

A Jew challenged me this week: “I fear that only when gentiles find the strength to forbid male circumcision like they forbid even the mildest forms of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) will they find the strength to stand up to … Continue reading

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Host of $10 Million Bat Mitzvah Sentenced to Prison for Stealing Money

From 2013: A body armor mogul who threw his daughter a $10 million bat mitzvah with performances from 50 Cent, Tom Petty, and Aerosmith, was sentenced to 17 years in prison for his role in swindling $200 million from his … Continue reading

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