Category Archives: Jews

Hysteria About Donald Trump

I guess by running an increasingly out-of-the-closet gay teenager, the Republicans think they are expanding the tent with Rubio. Are any of us really surprised that Rubio is fantasizing about his opponent’s penis? If there’s a breakaway party, why not … Continue reading

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Gypsy Intelligence

Dr. James Thompson writes: I never spent much time thinking about gypsies. I had assumed that gypsies were gypsies, lived in caravans, bred horses and played violins in restaurants. People do stuff. It is probably better to earn money in … Continue reading

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Tony Blair and Marco Rubio: Conspiracies of Silence on Immigration

Comments to Steve Sailer: * When you land at Heathrow these days, it is like you have arrived in a Third World port. You would never know it was a nation of white British people. Worse, the kind of Third … Continue reading

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I Don’t Know Any White Supremacists

Who’s a white supremacist? David Duke? Does David Duke believe that whites are superior to Asians at chemistry? Does David Duke believe that whites are superior to blacks at basketball and rap? Does David Duke believe that Europeans are superior … Continue reading

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Are there a disproportionate number of gay Jews?

I noticed in the porn industry that all sexual norms tended to break down, and that differences between straight and gay often got obliterated. It seemed like many of the “straight” guy porn stars also did gay stuff on the … Continue reading

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