Category Archives: Jews

Diversity vs. Freedom of Speech at the U. of California

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Just looked in the cabinet and I’m all out of caring. * Liberals love to Balkanize, and it’s coming right back at them. * It is rather hard to avoid being anti-Zionist as the term … Continue reading

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Jews For Trump

Jonathan Marks posts on FB: * How Are Those Non-Racist Open Borders Working Out? Is Islamophobia worse than rape and sexual assault? More than 1,000 crimes by Muslim migrants against women in a single night in Cologne. Police detain two … Continue reading

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‘What it actually feels like to be targeted by Donald Trump’s neo-Nazi fan club’

Short version: Matthew Rozsa hurls slurs at others and then is unpleasantly surprised when slurs are hurled back at him. This Jew cries when he hits you. If you don’t want to be slurred, don’t hurl slurs at others. Matthew … Continue reading

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Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

Joel Geiderman is the California Chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition and the former Vice Chairman of the United States Holocaust Museum, appointed by George W. Bush. He writes in the Jewish Journal: As a Jew and the son of … Continue reading

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Haaretz: ‘Trump went for the Muslims, and hate was unleashed on the Jews’

Notice that Sasha Abramsky’s underlying fear here is that gentiles will discover that they have group interests and they will desire the same sort of cohesion that Jews seek. In other words, he fears that gentiles will become more like … Continue reading

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