Category Archives: Jews

Ethnic Survival For Goyim – A Master Course

Chaim Amalek writes: We Yidden could teach the (regular, white) goy a thing or two about ethnic identity and survival. Oh, I do not mean the claptrap the Hollywood Yidden teach, but what Yidden teach other Yidden. Luke knows this … Continue reading

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Time Magazine Covers The Alt-Right

THE BILLIONAIRE AND THE BIGOTS HOW DONALD TRUMP’S CAMPAIGN BROUGHT WHITE NATIONALISTS OUT OF THE SHADOWS BY ALEX ALTMAN TIME, APRIL 25, 2016 The men eased past the picketers and police barricades, through a security-studded lobby and up to the … Continue reading

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Jews & The West

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The problem is that Jews are 33% of the 500 richest men in the world, but white goyim are not supposed to notice that fact, let alone talk about it, let alone wonder if something … Continue reading

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Sovok Jews 4 Trump!

Anatoly Karlin writes: The Atlantic’s Olga Khazan reveals that Russian-American Jews strongly support Trump. “I don’t like big government,” Sundeyeva said. She made two circles with her thumbs and forefingers and pressed them against each other so they touched, like … Continue reading

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My Rebbe Says

My Rebbe says it is assur for a Jew to vote for any candidate who has anything bad to say about Wall Street who might mean it. So looks like we should support Clinton. The Clintons, we can do business … Continue reading

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