Category Archives: Jews

There Seem To Be A Lot Of Gay Jewish Men

Twice as many proportionally as among the goyim, it seems. Charles writes: Do some ethnic groups have more homosexuals than other ethnic groups? Of course not everyone will agree with him on the issue of homosexuals being “smarter” than those … Continue reading

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TDB: Meet the New Han Solo: Alden Ehrenreich, Discovered by Steven Spielberg at a Bat Mitzvah

The Daily Beast: Back when Ehrenreich was just 14, he made a home movie for his friend’s bat mitzvah, which played during the ceremony. Steven Spielberg just so happened to be in the crowd, as his daughter Sasha was friends … Continue reading

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How Were The Pundits So Wrong About Trump?

I think a major reason that the pundits were so wrong about Trump is that half of them are Jewish and Jews tend to feel a visceral revolt against gentile nationalisms, racial consciousness, nativism, populism. Jews, by and large, feel … Continue reading

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No To Trump Because Holocaust

Many of my Jewish friends won’t vote for Trump because Holocaust. Because the Holocaust shows what happens when you try to blame minorities for your problems. Another Jewish friend says: Perhaps your friends are sincere, but I am more cynical. … Continue reading

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Will London Elect A Muslim Mayor?

Steve Sailer writes: There are two nuclear armed Western European powers: the UK and France. Both have growing numbers of Muslim voters. Houellebecq’s Submission sketches out one path by which a Muslim politician might luck into getting his finger on … Continue reading

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