Category Archives: Jews

JTA: Jewish groups unite to defend Muslims from discrimination

If you found your bedroom filled with poisonous snakes, who would you hate? The snakes or the people who put them there? The Jewish groups in the following story want to fill your community with poisonous snakes. From many a … Continue reading

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Remembering Jewish White Flight from L.A. Public Schools

The number of black kids in the schools I went to (prior to college, and even then it was never more than about 5% at UCLA in 1988-1989) was never more than about 2%. One of the marks of Orthodox … Continue reading

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Should Jews Engage With The Alt-Right?

Rabbi Mayer Schiller said in 1999: “The State of Israel poses a problem for Jews living in the diaspora. A Jew living in America, France or England but yet somehow says I am an Israeli or a Zionist, that creates … Continue reading

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If You Are Jewish, You’re Going To Put Jews First, Right?

If you are a Christian, it would make sense to me that you would put Christians and Christianity first. If you are a Muslim, I would expect you to put Islam first. If you strongly identify as Jewish, it just … Continue reading

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DNA Links Prove Jews Are a ‘Race,’ Says Genetics Expert

Chaim Amalek writes me: “Once your white nationalist friends figure out that you are part Chinaman, they are going to deport you first. Unless you can first learn how to handle their laundry.” A comment to Steve Sailer: “Good Lord, … Continue reading

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