Category Archives: Jews

Jay Michaelson: Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews

Every group thinks it is supreme. This is not a problem unique to whites. Judaism holds that Jews are God’s chosen people. How is that not supremacist? Jay Michaelson writes: Let’s take “white supremacy” out of the realm of insult. … Continue reading

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‘America First’: Trump doubles down on a term that makes many Jews queasy

I expect Muslims to put Muslims first. I expect Bhai to put Bhai first. I expect Japanese to put Japanese first. I expect Jews to put Jews first. Why shouldn’t Americans put America first? If Americans don’t put America first, … Continue reading

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Chaim Amalek: ‘When Moshiach comes, every day will be like an inner party.’

Chaim Amalek: “And no, the goyim will not be invited to attend. They will have their own, inferior parties, but ours will beat theirs because at ours, we will learn torah all day long. “The only woman I ever met … Continue reading

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Knick fans Stewart Rahr and Jona Rechnitz make a big score for charities

New York Daily News May 10, 2013: With the game winding down and the Knicks losing, Rechnitz asked for a consolation prize — $100,000 from Rahr if the Knicks lost, to give to charity. Stewart [Rahr] “looked at me and … Continue reading

Posted in Charity, Jews, Los Angeles, New York, Orthodoxy, Shlomo Rechnitz, Simon Wiesenthal, Yeshiva | Comments Off on Knick fans Stewart Rahr and Jona Rechnitz make a big score for charities

Exploring Jewish Identity in Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut

By Bryn V. Young-Roberts: Although Geoffrey Cocks explored the theme of Holocaust running through the entire oeuvre of Kubrick in The Wolf at the Door (2004), and devoted a section to Eyes Wide Shut, he only touched upon the theme … Continue reading

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