Category Archives: Homosexuality

Rare Heterosexual BLM Leader Found Murdered

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Seals was a controversial figure in the police accountability movement. “He had and has a lot of views that many people regard to be sexist, misogynist and homophobic,” said Bynes, the protester and former committeewoman. … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton’s Lesbian Twist For Election

National Enquirer Sept. 2, 2016: After 40 years in a sham marriage, Hillary Clinton could be on the verge of confessing: “I am a lesbian!” It’s a shocking scenario that has often been secretly considered by her top campaign strategists. … Continue reading

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‘A modern twist on the Lawrence of Arabia gay invasion’

Daily Mail: ‘I don’t come to rob your country’: First Romanians to arrive in Britain following changes to EU migrant rules insist they are looking for work after being greeted at the airport by Labour MP Keith Vaz Labour MP … Continue reading

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I Wish I Knew Where ESPN Stood On The Colin Kaepernick Controversy

Steve Sailer writes: The irony of course is that nationalism is the only reason anybody cares about women’s soccer as a spectator sport. Every four years, Americans go nuts in a frenzy of feminist patriotic chauvinism over the American women’s … Continue reading

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Left-wing parties in Australia want the government to legislate gay marriage while the conservatives want a plebiscite

Australians almost never vote for constitutional change. WSJ: CANBERRA, Australia—Efforts to legalize same-sex marriage in Australia are hitting up against a splintered Parliament after July elections drastically weakened conservative leader Malcolm Turnbull’s government. While the prime minister is pushing for … Continue reading

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