Category Archives: Homosexuality

The Hollywood Gay Mafia

The back issues of the influential magazine are now online. You can read Mark Ebner’s 1995 piece on the Hollywood Gay Mafia on page 44. Here’s more.

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A distressing decision about the military

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I’m a VietNam veteran (once in a neglectful moment, you referred to me as a World War II veteran, which would have made me about 80 or 90 instead of only 15 or 20 years … Continue reading

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Gays To Serve Openly In The U.S. Military

When I logged on to the internet Saturday night, I saw that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” had been repealed by the U.S. Senate. There was all sorts of weepy coverage about it in the New York Times: By a vote … Continue reading

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It Would Be Gay Not To

A soldier on a lonely outpost in Afghanistan who enjoys rough-housing with his fellow soldiers is asked in Sebastian Junger’s new book War if he would really have sex with another male soldier. “Sure,” he says, “it would be gay … Continue reading

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Why Doesn’t The Torah Ban Lesbianism?

In his second lecture on Leviticus 20 in 2009, Dennis Prager said: Jacob Milgrom argues that the Torah does not care about lesbianism because lesbians don’t spill seed. But there’s no prohibition against the spilling of seed in the Torah. … Continue reading

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