Category Archives: Homosexuality

The Homosexual Question, Media Lament Toxic Twitter

* MP3. TOPIC: The Costs of Homosex. Trump’s ban on transgendered in the military, citing costs, re-ignited the culture war. In that context we examine the economic and social price of LGBTQ behavior. Show Notes Donald J. Trump Tweet, Jul. … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘LGBTQ college student is stabbed 20 times in an ‘act of rage,’ but was it a hate crime?’

If Blaze Bernstein was LGBTQ, then those separate categories have no meaning. How could Blaze Bernstein be a lesbian? Was he trans? Unfortunately for the accused murderer Woodard, in 2014 California banned the gay panic defense in murder cases. Women … Continue reading

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Is Gay Happiness Not Worth A Mazal Tov?

Ari Shane Weitz writes: After my boyfriend Avidan and I got engaged at the end of October, our friends and family — both our given and chosen families — congratulated and applauded this milestone. They were celebrating our happiness and … Continue reading

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Gay Jews

Audacious Epigone posts: Riffing off the previous post, the following table shows the percentages, by religious affiliation, who identify as gay or bisexual (N = 8,582): Bear in mind that the Jewish sample, at 161, is small, as the question … Continue reading

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Parasha Noach (Genesis 6:9–11:32)

This week’s Torah portion covers the story of the Flood and the Tower of Babel. Listen here. * God decides to destroy the world because it is corrupt. What was so corrupt? The world at this time had same-sex marriage, … Continue reading

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